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A small token for help

As a volunteer firefighter for Chetwynd Volunteer Fire Department, I have seen firsthand the dedication of volunteer firefighters and their positive impact on the lives of residents and businesses in British Columbia.

Do your part: vote

Editor: Went to political meeting the other night and listened to the candidate and some very good issues were discussed. At the end of the meeting we were encouraged to help others see the need to vote. Apparently we get a 40ish% turnout, not good for a country as great as Canada. We live in one of the best if not the best country in the world, and I firmly believe that working together we can make it better.

Be thankful for what we have

Is it just me, or are things slowing down a little bit in Houston?
Fall B.C. election looks more likely

Fall B.C. election looks more likely

Deadline Diva

In high school I waited until the last minute before doing anything.

Preparing for a bumpy ride

There always seems to be a need for some sort of a trade off. With all the continuous complaining about our seemingly endless winter, we have finally reached something that resembles Spring.
NDP aims to bring back the ’90s

NDP aims to bring back the ’90s

Good review necessary for BC Hydro

Editor: BC’s new Energy Minister, Rich Coleman, is reportedly taking a careful second look at BC Hydro’s plans to overhaul the province’s dams and transmission lines, as well as Hydro’s plans to implement a smart meter program.

Ignorance isn't always bliss

Graduating from high school my girlfriend didn’t know who Ronald Reagan was. This was weird because he was the president of the United States at the time and near the end of his first term. Shocked, I asked her how it was possible she didn’t know this. Shrugging, she replied, “I don’t like the news, it makes me depressed.”
That ’70s political show, again

That ’70s political show, again