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Office Politics 101: The politics of romance

woman in our office is extremely active in a political party and has invited me to be involved.

Office Politics 101: My boss is the retiring type

I like my boss – but he’s retiring. I’m very anxious about working with his successor.

Office Politics 101: A weighty issue

There’s a woman in our office who is obviously getting heavier. I’ve also struggled with weight and would like to speak with her.

Office Politics 101: A colleague just bought an expensive car!

always thought we made the same salary, but he obviously is making much more. I feel upset. Should I speak with our boss?

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Office Politics 101: Promotions may be denied because I’m a woman

A: The so-called “glass ceiling” is certainly found in most companies.

Office Politics 101: I have to lay someone off!

Do nothing until you have investigated the entire matter by speaking with your manager and the HR department.

Office Politics 101: What's in a name?

I’ve been given a nickname – and I don’t like it.

Office Politics 101: Working from home

There are great benefits, but you need to stay focused.

Office Politics 101: Neither a lender nor borrower be

A co-worker borrowed money and won’t pay it back. What should I do?