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A thank you for time served

As most of you already know from last week’s edition of the Houston Today, Dr. Peter Morry will be leaving his family practice in the end of February to return home to his family in Newfoundland.
B.C. goes backwards on education

B.C. goes backwards on education

Government run by big business

Government run by big business

Better ways than HST to spread the wealth

North leading the way in technology

The B.C. Natural Resource Forum and Northern B.C. Business and Technology Awards, hosted in Prince George last week, were a great opportunity to see some of the innovation taking place in the north.

Recall descends into ugly farce

The rough beast of recall has slouched into Kamloops and Comox, carrying with it the rank smell of the failing effort in Oak Bay.

Chase away those dreary Monday blues

Blue Monday is considered the most depressing day of the year, and depending on what you read, this year it’s either on January 17th or January 24th. Originally it was called Black Monday. I’m glad the name was changed.

Think of the savings

B.C. VIEWS: NDP’s problems go deeper

B.C. VIEWS: NDP’s problems go deeper

Great save, boys, great save

They say you can always come home again – only this time it was for the benefit of Houston youth.