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This week many people in our community stood up for the pre-born. It was in regards to the ‘Sign Up’ campaign happening all across Canada to educate Canadians on our complete lack of abortion law, and to get people thinking and questioning, why is there absolutely no abortion law in Canada?’

Most people responded with positive waves, thumbs up, honks, or free coffee but for the few who were offended, I’m sorry, but we stood to defend the unborn baby.

For those who were annoyed and sped through, I’m sorry, we stood in defence of all the babies who will never have a chance for life.

For those who made obscene gestures, I’m sorry, we stood to inform you that you can legally obtain an abortion through-out all nine months of pregnancy.

For those who were aggrieved, as it is a woman’s right to choose, I’m sorry, we stood in defence of the babies who will never have a choice.

For those who have been caught in the lie ‘It’s only a blob of tissue’, I’m sorry, we stood with the irrefutable scientific evidence, that a baby is created at conception.

For those who were forced to have an abortion, I’m sorry, we stood against the violent killing that is perpetrated on the unborn baby.

For those who had an abortion for a myriad of other reasons, I’m sorry, but we stood in defence of the babies who could have been placed for adoption.

For all the men who wanted their babies, but did not have a say, I’m sorry, we stood to defend for your rights and that of unborn baby, and to change the law.

We citizens of Houston Pro-Life are not against you but for you. We are not here to condemn you, we love you, we care for you and want to bring healing…….. but we do want to change the culture to make abortion unthinkable…. because it is about the baby and our love for the unborn child.

If there are any women in a crisis pregnancy, Houston Pro-Life would like to help you.

Michalle Brown