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Silverthorne competes at meet in Smithers

That’s teacher Mark Fehr with Silverthorne Elementary School students at a cross country meet held Oct. 13 in Smithers. (L-R) Akaisha Hues, Piper Norton, Clark Sjoden, Airyana Symes, Nevaeh Wynnychuk, Clayton Mcgonigal and Logan Buick. (Marisca Bakker photo/Houston Today)

That’s teacher Mark Fehr with Silverthorne Elementary School students at a cross country meet held Oct. 13 in Smithers. (L-R) Akaisha Hues, Piper Norton, Clark Sjoden, Airyana Symes, Nevaeh Wynnychuk, Clayton Mcgonigal and Logan Buick. (Marisca Bakker photo/Houston Today)