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No competition for Houston’s mayoral candidate

Eleven candidates running for the district’s six councillor spots
This year the general election day falls on Saturday, Oct. 20. This is a change from previous years, when local elections took place on Nov. 15. The earlier election date is being implemented B.C.-wide this year. (Houston Today file photo)

Houston mayor Shane Brienen, who’s running for re-election this fall, won’t have to worry about competitors this time.

Brienen, who took office in 2014 after serving as councillor in the previous three terms, is the only mayoral candidate for Houston this year.

He had announced earlier this year his plans to run for re-election this fall, saying that moving forward he would like to focus on Houston’s Hwy. 16 corridor improvement project, downtown revitalization, and roads.

READ MORE: Houston mayor to run for re-election

Meanwhile 11 candidates are running for Houston’s six councillor spots, including Peter Aman, Nichelle Cranmer, Tom Euverman, Dylan MacDonald, Lisa Makuk, Troy Reitsma and incumbents Tim Anderson, John Siebenga, Tom Stringfellow, Dennis Tait and Jonathan Van Barneveld.

The nomination period for candidates wishing to represent the District of Houston, the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN) and School District 54 (Bulkley Valley) ended Friday at 4 p.m.

Incumbent Robert Newell, who has recently announced he would be running for re-election, is the only candidate running to represent the RDBN’s Electoral Area G (Houston rural).

READ MORE: Houston rural director seeks re-election

Hoping to represent the school district’s zone four (Houston) are incumbents Leslie Kerns and Jennifer Williams.

This year the general election day falls on Saturday, Oct. 20. This is a change from previous years, when local elections took place on Nov. 15. The earlier election date is being implemented B.C.-wide this year.

School district and regional district elections take place the same day.



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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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