Houston council approved a new bylaw that will make event applications more specific and clear.
With the Event Regulations Bylaw, approved at the council meeting last week Tuesday, people and groups applying for event permits will have a more clear process to apply, said District CAO Linda Poznikoff.
They will have a clear form to specify their needs and it will include all the details that council needs to know to approve an event, she said.
Poznikoff says that council didn't have a process in place before, people just presented an event to council and they had to decide about approval.
"This will be one-stop process where somebody fills out an application form that lays out all the issues that may arise for that event, and then it is presented to council," said Poznikoff.
She adds that groups had to provide all the same information before, but this way it is together in one place and more clear for council to understand what the event involves.
If needed, staff would be available to meet with a groups to go over the form, she said.