The Town of Smithers would like to advise residents of the following closures due to Bulkley River levels and potential flooding of areas adjacent to the river:
• Fall Fair Grounds
• Riverside Park
• 2100 Block of Riverside Drive
• 2100 Block of Main Street
Please refrain from recreation on or near the Bulkley River and other bodies of water, avoid riverbanks, and exercise extreme caution as fast moving water can be extremely dangerous.
The public is also reminded to refrain from travelling through areas that may be affected by flooding.
All residents are asked to keep up to date on the current flood information by tuning in to local media and visiting the BC River Forecast Centre at gov.bc.ca/riverforecast or the Town of Smithers website at smithers.ca
The Town of Smithers appreciates your cooperation during this closure and apologizes for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please call them at 250-847-1600.
Click here for the PDF of News Release 18-08, Public Notice - Area Closures.
For more information, please contact chief administrative officer Anne Yanciw at 250-847-1600 or fire chief Keith Stecko at 250-847-2015
As of 10 a.m. Thursday, May 10 Bulkley River levels have exceeded bankfull or will exceed bankfull imminently. Flooding of areas adjacent to the river will occur.
The Bulkley Valley Fairgrounds and Perimeter Trail beside Riverside Campground are closed to the public.
Stay away from the Bulkley River and exercise extreme caution along other bodies of water. Undercutting of banks during flooding makes the area within 15 feet of the water extremely dangerous. Fast moving water and the area around it are extremely dangerous and people are strongly advised to stay far away.
Please refrain from travelling through areas that may be affected by flooding. Stay off of restricted trails and roads.
All residents are asked to keep up to date on the current flood information by tuning in to local media, visiting the Town of Smithers website at smithers.ca and the BC River Forecast Centre website at gov.bc.ca/riverforecast.
The River Forecast Centre said Thursday the Bulkley River near Smithers is flowing at 1250 m3/s (20-year flow) and a gauge height of approximately 5.5m. The rate of rise has been easing and additional rises in the 5-10 cm range at the gauge are expected into the middle of Thursday. Warming weather into the weekend may lead to additional rises.
The Bulkley River near Houston is flowing at 270 m3/s (20-year flow) and rising. Continued rises are expected on Thursday and Friday up to 300-350 m3/s.
Citizens may contact Town of Smithers at 250-847-1600 if they have any questions or concerns.
Residents living in the Regional District are advised to contact the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako at 1-800-320-3339 and see RDBN.bc.ca for updates.
For further information regarding flood preparedness information, please go to the Prepared BC at gov.bc.ca.
For more information please contact Anne Yanciw, chief administrative office, 250-847-1600 or fire chief Keith Stecko at 250-847-2015.