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Alix Frontage Road residents present to Houston council

Who is responsible for flooding?
Jim Muskett presenting on behalf of all Alix Frontage Road residents to District of Houston council on June 20, 2017.

Jim Muskett, presented to District of Houston council on June 20, 2017 on behalf of all the residents of Alix Frontage Road.

Muskett says that the Alix Frontage Road residents have experienced ongoing flood issues since road modifications done a few years ago and is presenting to council in the hopes that together they can find better solutions for the flooding issue.

“Road modifications when the lane was put in from the Morice River onto the highway have increased the flooding issues the past six years,” said Muskett.

Mustkett said that there are short term and long term problems that they would like to be resolved.

“For long term, the question is how to get rid of the water? The overflow streams for Silverthorne creek have been modified so they can not function. And the highways modified the man-made overflow, which does flow under the Finning driveway but it is not deep enough,” said Muskett.

Muskett said that all residents have had some damage done to their property, but the worst of all has been the damage done to their reputation.

“All of us along Alix Frontage Road have worked hard to put beautiful homes along it, 40 years ago it was just shacks,” said Muskett.

Muskett said that the flooding is a man-made problem and reduces the property values of their homes.

“About nine years ago a merge lane was put in from the Morice River Road, and when that happened the Silverthorne Creek water flow was restricted in front of the Finning driveway,” said Muskett.

“The evidence of this is when the high water came, the water was three feet higher on the Alix Frontage Road side of Finning’s driveway compared to the other side,” he added.

When asked to confirm if this is a man-made problem, Michael Glavin, Chief Administrative Officer, said, “I don’t have all the information. However, that area does belong to the Ministry of Transporation and the Ministry of Forests, and I have started setting up meetings with both parties to look at the issue and start up a game plan.”

The Ministry of Transportation responded to Houston Today stating that Alix Frontage Road is covered by the District of Houston and is therefore not apart of the Ministry of Transportation’s jurisdiction.

When asked about flooding insurance Muskett said, “I do not have flooding insurance, and do not know if I am eligible for it.”

“I don’t have flood insurance,” said Jillian Standbridge, Alix Frontage Road resident. “And as far as I know no one on the street does. I believe the high water levels around this area are man made and we have taken our concern to council. Especially the fact that the water drives out property values way down. There also was a beaver damn that needed to be removed in order to keep the water flowing instead of it backing up more.”

Muskett added that the residents are not asking for large diking or a big pump house, but wanted to note that the culvert is two feet too high to maintain proper flood and reduce flooding.

On the short term side, Muskett said involves the damage done to Alix Frontage Road itself.

“There was a lot of traffic that went through while it was underwater. The whole road has been lifted up and there are large cracks and holes in it that need to be replaced,” said Muskett.

“To rebuild and replace the valves of the main culverts, seems to us to be by far the cheapest solution,” said Muskett.

Houston Today went back to the Ministry of Transporation and asked for more clarification on the flooding. They had not responded by press time.