It's always a good time at the Houston Seniors Hall with a broad selection of activities available by drop in. On Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. attendees will be enjoying Pickle Ball. It's a lot like the game that the Juniors play on Tuesday evenings but these players keep it less competitive and more social. For the full two hours Pickle Ball is played. To win the game, the score must be ahead by two points and first to reach 10 points. The server rotates on the team when the serve gets zero points or is out of bounds. The game is a mix of tennis and ping pong. If you've been thinking about getting more active this year this is a great game for you. Drop-in fee is $3 and new players are always welcomed. The game can be played up to four players on four and teams can be rotated.Angelique Houlihan photo/Houston Today