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Four Rivers Co-op to provide up to $100,000 to community groups

In 2016, Four Rivers Co-op committed supporting charities, non-profits and community groups that provide a necessary service that improves the quality of life within our communities by developing their community support fund. This fund was created to provide up to $100,000 to registered charities, non-profit organizations and community groups that provide a service that improves the quality of life within their communities.

In 2016, Four Rivers Co-op committed supporting charities, non-profits and community groups that provide a necessary service that improves the quality of life within our communities by developing their community support fund. This fund was created to provide up to $100,000 to registered charities, non-profit organizations and community groups that provide a service that improves the quality of life within their communities.

Projects of varying scale have received funding. In 2016, 11 groups received funding in 10 communities including the Quesnel Lions Housing Society for $25,000 and the Connaught Youth Centre for $20,000 while the Fort Fraser Community Recreation Society for $4,500 and Houston Search and Rescue for $5,000. In 2017, 10 groups for funding in 6 communities, including Nechako Valley Search and Rescue for $19,000 and the Lakes District Family Enhancement Society for $20,000 while the Fraser Lake and Area Menshed Society for $5,000.

“Locally-Invested and community-minded are more than just words to us at Four Rivers Co-op. We understand the need and value of every single community group, registered charity and non-profit organization in our communities,” said Allan Bieganski, General Manager of Four Rivers Co-op. “Since starting our community support fund in 2016, we have provided $200,000 in funding to over 20 organizations, helping them complete projects, purchase necessary equipment, start up programs, or complete needed renovations to their facilities to ensure they can continue to provide their services. They provide services and programs that make our communities better places to live. And as long as we are in a position to support these organizations to improve our communities, it’s our responsibility to support them, and we take that very seriously.”

Registered charities, non-profit organizations and community groups can apply for funding beginning Sept. 1, 2018. Application Forms are available on Four Rivers Co-op’s website at and will be accepted until October 31, 2018. Any questions related to the program can be directed to Renee Dick, Marketing Co-ordinator for Four Rivers Co-op.

About Four Rivers Co-operative

Our petroleum operations consist of four bulk petroleum plants, with a fleet of 16 petroleum delivery units, two lube oil trucks and 15 cardlock locations. Our retail operations consist of a food store, home centre,

Two agro locations, two gas bars, four convenience stores, and a mini-storage facility. These facilities are located throughout the central interior from Quesnel in the south to Fort St. James in the North, from Valemount in the east to Terrace in the west.

We employ over 175 people within our trading area and have an annual payroll of $7.1 million.

In 2017, we contributed over $115,000 to community groups, charities, non-profit organizations and sports groups in addition to the $100,000 provided through our Community Support Fund.

Our employees are involved in their communities, being members in numerous service groups, sports teams, and charitable organizations, donating their time and energy to making our communities better places to live.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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