The article in the Jan. 24 paper in the Houston Today ‘Store looks for ways to use surplus food wisely’ - you know I just had to laugh when I read this article about the Buy Low grocery store chain looking for ways to use its surplus food wisely.
Has Megan Czerpak even given thought that the reason for most of their surplus waste is because prices of food is so high that no one can afford to buy anything without going broke?
We are a very small town with no major industry at this time and the high price of groceries is not helping our situation.
Last week I travelled out of town for medical reasons and did some shopping at a small side store that I enjoy shopping at. My purchases were top name brand items that were not on sale and it cost me $66.
So I came home and priced out the items here. I would have paid $140 for the same items, a difference of $74. That was enough to pay for our gas and lunch. Why is it that shopping also at a major grocery store I have to pay more? All I can say is I’ve gotten to hate having to shop in Houston for my groceries because of the exorbitant prices being charged by major grocery stores.
I ask others what’s your opinion of the prices here?
Sounds to me like Megan Czerpak just made herself a job that grocery chains are willing to go along with. I think if major grocery stores bring their prices down they wouldn’t need Megan to do what she plans to do.
Georgina Dotto