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Tax act in Canada needs to be changed

Tax act in Canada needs to be changed

First Nations and LNG development

First Nations and LNG development

Carpet bowlers have been excluded from BC 55+ Games and Canada 55+ Games

Carpet bowlers have been excluded from BC 55+ Games and Canada 55+ Games

Gold medal carpet bowling winners not able to defend their titles in 2018
LETTERS: Plastic bags an ‘easy feel-good fix’

LETTERS: Plastic bags an ‘easy feel-good fix’

Bags have secondary uses, other problems more pressing
LETTER: Proportional representation makes votes count

LETTER: Proportional representation makes votes count

Fair Vote Canada representative responds to Tom Fletcher column
Congrats to Houston mayor and council

Congrats to Houston mayor and council

LETTER: I’m voting ‘yes’ to electoral reform

LETTER: I’m voting ‘yes’ to electoral reform

Tom Fletcher defends corporate-backed B.C. Liberals
LETTER: Jumbo Valley is part of Ktunaxa territorial claim

LETTER: Jumbo Valley is part of Ktunaxa territorial claim

Ktunaxa Nation Council responds to Tom Fletcher column
Decriminalizing personal possession of clean drugs

Decriminalizing personal possession of clean drugs

The question is not when our government will decriminalize personal possession and provide a safe clean drug source, like we do for alcohol and soon to be marijuana, but how many more families will be devastated with the loss of a loved one before a government is brave enough to value lives over votes.
LETTER: First Nations defending their waters

LETTER: First Nations defending their waters

Response to Tom Fletcher from salmon farm occupiers