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Fuel management burns happening in Houston

Houston residents might notice some smoke in the sky over the next few weeks

Houston residents might notice some smoke in the sky over the next few weeks as the B.C. Wildfire Service is conducting a series of fuel management burns in the region.

Smoke from these fires may also be visible from Burns Lake, Topley, Takysie Lake, Ootsa Lake and Endako.

The fuel management burns are intended to remove accumulated woody debris and reduce the wildfire hazard in the region.

According to Haley Williams, Fire Information Officer for the Northwest Fire Centre, these fires will adhere to clearly defined burn plans and will only be lit if the weather, site conditions and venting conditions are suitable.

“B.C. Wildfire Service firefighters and ignition specialists will conduct and carefully monitor these burns.”

These burns will take place in five areas of the Nadina Fire Zone, including Haney Lake; the 21-km mark on the Maxan Forest Service Road to the 12-km mark on the Fischer Forest Service Road; Heading Creek Forest Service Road and the China Nose Mountain area; Snowflake Lake; and Co-op Lake.

To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1-800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone.